is a organization dedicated to helping the homeless obtain a community of their own in every city of America, where they can feel safe. A place secure and away from those that do not want them in their communities.
Our Vision
is preferably, not for permanent separation, but for integrating these, mostly ill individuals, safely back into society, where they then, would be able to function and contribute, rather than destroy.
Our Mission
As Medical and Mental Health Professionals, we are here to provide services, therapy and supplements in a Wellness club setting. The income coming from satisfied members would contribute to this endeavor.
The homeless line the streets leading up to the White House in Washington DC, our capital. Most too ill to help themselves, some so bewildered and mentally ill they Sleep in doorways and on park benches. People from all over the world can see how disgracefully we treat our lost brothers and sisters. The spiritual human experience God wanted to create has failed. The two most important commandments;
“Love God with all your heart. ” & “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
has been almost totally ignored by most of us. We cannot even love ourselves. It is time to right the wrong. If the homeless want to sleep on benches or under bridges and carry everything they own with them, so be it. They should not be afraid they will be beat up or killed doing it their way. Let them live their lives the way they feel secure. However, let it be in safe communities of their own, where they could shower and go to the cafeteria for healthy food, see doctors and counselors if they so choose. Who are we to tell them to be more like us? Let them alone. Give them the safe environments we take for granted. If we treated dogs like they are treated there would be lines of people protesting. Please help me build communities for the homeless. Allow these mentally ill people the treatment they humanly deserve. It is in all our interest to do this. This would not only benefit mankind it would be a plus for everything America believes in and we could lead the way for others to follow.
This was my platform, my plea for help in completing the project of giving the homeless their own community, by letting even the homeless have a home.
It did not happen. To be honest no one even seemed interested, except the Trump Foundation, who promised to get back to me. Perhaps they will. However, I have very little of my own funds. I spent all I can. I have no choice, but to close this project down. I am not used to failure, but have to admit I was not successful in this endeavor.
So because of the failure and the closing of ‘Rob Blum Building Communities 4 Homeless Inc. ‘ I am changing into a resource site for homeless.